Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Developing Business Process Models with Domain Models

Quite often Domain Models are developed around or in concert with Business Process Models. This often leads to a the question "how do they inter-relate?" (and subsequently, "who's in charge? what drives the definitions?").

It's important to relate Domain and Business Process Models, but the approach for doing this shouldn't be too onerous. At the most basic level, each Business Process step should have input and outputs that are driven off the Domain Model. If you are processing a shopping cart payment "Process Shopping Cart", the input may be "Shopping Cart" and the output "Invoice", both concepts in your Domain Model.

Generally this is applied at lower levels of a Business Process, L2 or L3, but there is nothing to stop you working top-down or bottom-up. For this type of exercise, I believe a top-down approach is the best fit. Bottom-up has a tendency to get bogged down in the detail (the wrong kind).

The obvious exceptions are cases where the low level processes are well understood. This can occur when the Business Process is already operating or established in another form. These existing processes often have associated pre-existing MI, data or other statistics - and often this information can be quite fine-grained. In these cases, bottom-up isn't a bad place to start.

Whatever the level, it's advantageous to elaborate on the details of the inputs and outputs. What elements of the Shopping Cart are required? Which are optional? For each domain concept, the key questions are "how is it used or applied?", "if it's optional, what are the rules?" and "what's the context?". Aim here should really be to reduce the inputs and outputs to what is absolutely necessary - this is for a few reasons:

  • It best informs your Domain Model.

  • It best translates out to other representations, such as a technology implementation - Clarity here will have numerous downstream benefits, particularly in the implementation.

  • The act of reduction/distilling itself is a good instrument to drive the exercise.

  • It's easier to see what's missing. Blanket terms can hide conflicting points of view and assumptions.

  • It greatly assists the construction and execution of tests and user-acceptance.

  • Finally, in the heat of delivering a project, it can sometimes be hard to argue "why?" against business requirements. This is an ideal opportunity to ask.

That's just a quick summary for now. We'll dive into some of the advantages and pitfalls of models led by Business Process in a later article.


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